Antioxidant Benefits & Dangers
What is this hubbub about antioxidants? Many people don’t realize this, but the insides of our bodies are like metal swing sets left outside – they are at the mercy of nature’s elements. We can see that if the swing set is not properly painted, it will rust. And if left uncared for, the swing set will eventually rust away. Rusting is nature’s way of using oxygen to break down metal and return metal to the ground.
Antioxidant Dangers – Oxidation
Another name for rusting is oxidation. Oxidation is nature’s way of using oxygen to rust out the insides of our bodies. And like the metal swing set, oxidation is nature’s way of breaking down the human body for its return to the ground. Like rusting, oxidation takes its time and toll. It also leaves tell-tale signs like aches and pains, arthritis, dry or patchy skin, acne & rashes, diabetes, heart problems, clogged arteries, heart burn that antacids won’t relieve and won’t take a vacation, high cholesterol, cancer, stroke, and death. Do these consequences of old age qualify for some hubbub?
Antioxidant Benefits.
It certainly did for our ancestors who searched for foods that seemed to forestall these consequences. They were the first seekers of what we now know as antioxidant fruit and vegetables – like mangosteen fruit, red grapes, broccoli and cabbage, among others. In theory, antioxidants from antioxidant fruit and vegetables help our bodies fight oxidation. At first, we relied on single supplements like vitamin E, C, or B tablets taken separately. Then we graduated to super supplements like the multivitamin tablets or even liquids. These, it turns out, are not doing the job for some.
Raising the Ante Against Oxidation.
Some are craving the strength of super supplements of antioxidant fruit. Super supplements of acai berry, mangosteen fruit, green tea, resveratrol. Many super supplements now combine these major-league fruits to get a combo antioxidant power of antioxidant fruit. The stakes are high – antioxidant fruit has been pitted against the free radicals of oxidation. Super supplements house these alliances and are taken daily to fend off the ravages of aging in hopes of prolonging a quality life.
Tags: antioxidant fruit, super supplements, antioxidant benefits
Categories: Oxidation, Fight oxidation, antioxidant fruit and vegetables, high stakes antioxidants