Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Antioxidant Fruit Juice vs Comprehensive Multivitamins

Antioxidant fruit juices are pricy. So why would someone pay $75 for a month’s supply of super juice when a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral supplement costs $15 plus tax? Both products contain antioxidants. In fact, the lists of their vitamins is very close, both in kind and potency. Both provide the daily nutritional requirements to meet the equivalent servings of fruits and vegetables often shown on food pyramids. So both would supply the vitamins or minerals a person might miss in eating.

Takers of super antioxidant fruit juices respond differently from takers of multivitamins. A recent review of multivitamin users’ comments seemed to dwell mostly on the price of the product. Many complained the product was priced too high. They did say the product was comprehensive; but this comment seemed based more on the label than effect on them. It seemed most were interested in covering the inevitable missed nutrients in their diets. Only one commented on her health. She said she didn’t get sick as often.

Drinkers of super antioxidant fruit juices frequently praise the product for helping to improve their health. They tell others how their blood pressure dropped, their doctor’s cholesterol report showed drops to normal. Some speak of reduced stress, more energy, reduction of pain, and improved brain function. Of course, these improvements are not directly from the antioxidant fruit juice. The vitamins and minerals just fed the body its need so the body could function better

One very stark difference between antioxidant fruit juice and comprehensive multivitamins is that the juices come from powerful antioxidant fruits with more powerful antioxidants. The stronger the antioxidant, the better its ability to eliminate free radicals. Powerful antioxidants can slow the aging process of oxidation in our bodies that “rusts” our organs and gradually making us more vulnerable to disease. Antioxidant fruit juice can play an important role in slowing the deterioration of bodies.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Home Based Business Opportunites

Antioxidant Fruit companies offer home based business opportunities. These businesses depend on local entrepreneurs to find customers and convert them to regular buyers. The companies pay bonuses if the new buyers in turn recruit more regular buyers. Outgoing, “people” buyers have a real advantage here. Shy, purpose-driven people suffer a distinct disadvantage here. They need not stay at a disadvantage, though.

Extroverts – effortless success

For the outgoing person, the extrovert, home based business opportunities just seem to pop out of the air. A mother could be waiting in an elementary school office to bring her daughter’s forgotten lunch, when another mother also waiting sees her hat with a company’s logo. They strike up a conversation, and the next thing you know, the other mother is a new customer. A man could be waiting for his car to be fixed and drinking an iced super juice. He offers one to some guys standing around. They talk, and one becomes a new, regular customer. Effortless success! For these people, home based business opportunities seem easy. What a country!

Introverts -- Fruitless efforts

For the shy, purpose driven people, introverts, the last word “opportunities” of home based business opportunities seems a mirage, a cruel hoax. They could be standing in the same line at a school or waiting room at a repair show, and no one would talk to them – even if they were decked up with company logos all over their clothes like a NASCAR driver! They do all the things their company leaders advise – buy leads, make phone calls, attend company sponsored meetings, attend industry conferences, and make videos that no one watches. Their efforts seemed cursed. They can’t believe that anyone would want to follow their lead. And, of course, neither do their potential customers.

Introverts -- Validation example

Not all is lost for introverts, though. Your efforts do not need to remain futile. Two very successful internet marketers began as shy internet marketers who made almost no money during their early years. Both tell very good stories, but I think the thing that changed their lives and fortunes was that they learned their lines. Both began to study their products, but also the ins and outs of home based business opportunities. They learned the steps needed to go from beginner to successful earner of 7 figures. They learned in detail the information needed at every step, and they became the master of internet software – sometimes writing it.

As they learned the information, their confidence grew inside them. They now knew the information as an “insider” and understood how to use it to their advantage. This shows, and now they are not only on par with the extroverts; they have passed them. So home based business opportunities abound for them as well. What a country!

Tags: home based business opportunities, introverts, antioxidant fruit, effortless success, fruitless efforts, validation example

Categories: home based business, home based business opportunities, get customers, confidence

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Super Supplements

The good life wears thin without super supplements. And a physically miserable life can be uplifted with super supplements. These statements, in a nutshell, comprise basic beliefs among sellers and users of super supplements.

Effective Supplements

Is there any truth to these beliefs? Are they effective supplements? Dr. Mehmet Oz told Oprah that some supplement consumers’ beliefs, like Resveratrol extending one’s lifespan, cannot be measured by the FDA. Dr. Oz said people would have to wait and see if Resveratrol users actually lived longer. Then there would be social evidence, witness.

Supplements effects

Another way to measure the truth of supplements' effects is in the flow of money. It has long been said that you spend money in/on things you believe in (or want to believe in). Super supplements are subject to this measure. It is not a question of whether people spend money on super supplements; it is why. What core beliefs underlay the spending?

David Garfinkle, co-founder of the CopyWriter’s Guild, posited that people buy things for seven basic reasons: (1) save money, (2) save time, (3), save effort, (4) to make money, (5) to relieve pain, (6) to improve their health, and (7) realize their dreams and/or fancies. The witness of super supplements consumers reveals several of these reasons.

Buying As Testimony of supplements effects

Because my experience has been with Vemma Nutrition, I am most familiar with users of Vemma and Verve. Nevertheless, I am certain other super juices could also provide complementary stories of people benefitting from their products. Relief from arthritic pain is a popular testimony. One person reported using Vemma and getting relief, then going off and seeing the paid come back, and finally returning to it and noticing the pain had left. He was dead on convinced.

There are also stories of supplements' effects on improved health. These stories range from reduced cholesterol readings as well as lowered blood pressure to better sleeping, more energy, and a brighter mental outlook.

Tags: super supplements, supplements effects, improved health
Categories: Super supplements, effective supplements, Reasons for Buying, Buying as measure of beliefs

Monday, June 1, 2009

Boomers Marketing

The baby boomer generation has been a bubble in the population statistics for a long time. Daniel Moynihan observed years ago, that a demographer looking at the population statistics in the late 1950’s could tell by the size of the baby boom cohort that they would have an impact on society. It was boomers marketing that led to the explosion of rock and roll records and its ensuing impact on society. The Sixties, war protest, and hippies have had a large effect on the United States. Some have argued that the growth of pc computers is an outgrowth of the hippie idealism to undermine established authority and empower individuals, their voices, and freedoms.

Just as boomers spawned the sixties’ culture, they now find themselves facing the ravages of aging. Because they are still a large cohort in the population, they will have an impact on the sale of anti aging remedies. The thirst for the Fountain of Youth lives on, and the marketing to boomers promises to be a lucrative one.

One such market is for restoring youth lost in old age. DHEA is sold in grocery stores and drug stores as way of restoring the body beautiful lost in the storms of time. However, The New England Journal of Medicine has recently reported that DHEA had no beneficial effects on the elderly in their tests. Though their body levels of DHEA had been restored to the levels of normal young people, the seniors enjoyed no turn around. There was no change in body composition (fat mass, muscle mass), insulin sensitivity (glucose tolerance), or physical performance (muscle strength, peak performance).

Another goal of boomers marketing is to help boomers stave off chronic diseases of aging that lead to death. The list of chronic diseases is made up of obesity, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer, and other chronic disease of the elderly that cause death. Other chronic diseases, in the Senior’s Journal’s list, include Alzheimer’s, stroke, asthma, bronchitis, joint pain and mobility, liver and kidney diseases, hypertension, The top ten chronic diseases for men are, hypertension, arthritis, other chronic joint problems, heart disease (all types), coronary heart disease, cancer (any type), diabetes, prostate cancer, and ulcers. The top ten chronic diseases for women are arthritis, hypertension, joint problems, heart disease (all types), cancer (any type), sinusitis, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and ulcers.

The conventional wisdom for fending off these chronic diseases is to eat a healthy diet. Make sure the diet includes lots of fruits and vegetables. The Harvard School of Public Health, of course, also advises people to exercise and eat plant foods (fruits, vegetables, breads & fiber), nuts, fish, poultry, and some dairy products. But they also advise taking a multivitamin as “a good nutrition insurance policy.” Dr. Mehmet Oz, on the Oprah show, seemed to be doing just that. He said people could expect to live longer (20 years) by eating a healthy diet along the lines of the food pyramids like that from Harvard. Dr. Oz went on to say that he also takes multivitamins from A – E. He even advised challenging the body’s anti-aging gene sirtuin by taking resveratrol.

With advice from such sources like Harvard and celebrity doctors, it is no wonder that boomers marketing is going to accelerate.

Check out the choice of the author for “nutritional insurance.”

Tags: healthy diet, marketing to baby boomers, chronic diseases of aging, anti aging remedies, nutritional supplements, food pyramid, boomers marketing

Categories: Boomers Marketing, anti aging, Healthy eating, chronic diseases for aging, reversing aging, Food Pyramid, Effects of demography

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